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Registered Agent
/ sections completed
A registered agent in the state of incorporation is required by the U.S. state laws. You can be your own registered agent only if you are residing in the state of incorporation. Please note that P.O. box or mailbox addresses can not be used. Zenind opts in Zenind Registered Agent Service (RAS) by default for new Zenind Business Formation applications.
Zenind Registered Agent Service (RAS)
Zenind will assign a qualified registered agent in your U.S. state of incorporation from our registered agent network. The registered agent will accept incoming state notice and legal letters on behalf of your company, and you will be able to download them from Zenind Dashboard. Zenind RAS is priced at $99 per year.
I will appoint a person as the registered agent
You may appoint a registered agent within the U.S. state of incorporation. Please note that the registered agent must reside in the state of incorporation. Failure to comply with the state laws may cause losing good-standing status or lead to entity dissolution.
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